Nothing strikes fear in the heart quite like Black Widow spiders! And rightly so. Their bite can be fatal to humans, particularly for the elderly, infants, and anyone with a compromised immune system due to other illness. Black Widow spiders in Oregon are a real threat, and we encounter them often, most times of year.
What Do Black Widow Spiders Look Like?
Black Widow spiders have eight long spindly black legs. The females are easily recognized by their black round bodies with a red or yellowish hourglass shape on the underside of their abdomen. The abdomen is usually about 1/4 inch in diameter but may be swollen to 1/2 inch in diameter when it is full of eggs. Males are smaller, lighter colored with streaks on their abdomen.

Learn how to identify other dangerous spiders in Oregon.
Where Are Black Widow Spiders in Oregon Found?
We find Black Widow spiders nearly anywhere protected from the rain in Douglas County, with quite a few spotted in Lane county, as well. Linn and Benton counties see fewer of them, though the can be common in crawlspaces in neighborhoods here and there. Josephine county has a larger number of them, especially in the mid-Summer months. Common nesting locations include inside meter and sprinkler valve boxes, wood piles, crawl spaces and under house eaves. Their Webs are an irregular mass of webbing including a central place for retreat. There webs are not usually found indoors.
What Are Black Widow Bites Like?
Many factors like location on the body, temperature, season, body size of the victim, depth of the bite and amount of venom injected affect severity of reaction to a Black Widow bite. Bites often produce a rapid sharp pain like a pin prick and then disappear rapidly. Black Widow bites can be fatal to children and elderly victims and medical attention should be sought for anyone suspecting a Widow bite.
Black Widows are not aggressive and the rare defensive bite occurs from sitting on the spider etc. Anyone suspecting a Black Widow bite should try to capture the spider to take to the hospital for positive identification. An anti-venom specific for the Black Widow spider bite is readily available to most physicians. Male black widow spiders are harmless to humans.
What Does Black Widow Venom Do?
It is reported that the Black Widow’s venom is more potent than rattlesnake venom. To feed, Black Widow spiders puncture their prey with fangs and inject digestive enzymes into the corpse. These enzymes, liquefy their prey’s bodies and then the spider sucks up the resulting fluid for a meal.
Fun Fact: Black Widows are actually called widow spiders because they kill their mates after mating, and often EAT THEM. Talk about a bad date.
Black Widow Spiders in Oregon- Control Solutions
Black Widow spiders are easily controlled by our trained technicians. Control methods are highly effective and are 100% Guaranteed. Let our trained technicians accurately identify Black Widow spiders and help you find the best solution.

Call 541-636-0146 or contact us here to schedule today.
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