Guaranteed protection for your home.
If you never want to see another bug in your home, then this is the Pest Control Service Plan for you. Our Cadillac service at a Volkswagen price!
Pest Control Service – Guaranteed Bug Protection
Here is how it works:
- A Bug Zapper Pest Control technician conducts a detailed home evaluation to identify existing and potential pest problems. Schedule Now!
- Homeowner and technician review details of the proposed protection plan together.
- Safety precautions will be discussed to ensure maximum protection for family members and pets.
- An extensive initial interior/exterior bug killing treatment is carried out by our technician.
- Detailed exterior Bi-Monthly (every other month) follow up treatments are conducted to maintain a protective barrier around your home and prevent pest entry. Complimentary interior treatments are also completed as needed to ensure bug free living.
Our Bi-Monthly pest control service plan is 100% GUARANTEED to rid your home of nasty bugs like ants, spiders, earwigs, wasps, pantry moths and many more home invading insect pests. Each treatment also includes complimentary exterior spider web and wasp nest removal–an extra touch favored by many customers. Start living bug free now!

Pest Control For Homes
One Year Guaranteed Ant & Bug Prevention Service
(Subsequent Year Discounts Apply)
Homes Under 3,000 sq. ft. Save $50 Only $489/yr
Homes Over 3,000 sq. ft. Save $50 Only $689/yr