Proven Pest Control Services
For Oregon Communities
5-Star Pest Removal Services For Residences,
Hotels, and Commercial buildings.

Oregon’s #1 Rated Pest Control!
We are delighted that you are taking a moment to learn more about us. We look forward to getting to know you too!
Way back when…bugs ruled the earth. They were big and scary and caused all sorts of diseases and other terribly frustrating problems for people. Then one day about a million ants decided to move into my kitchen overnight. I couldn’t stand it and started a quest to eliminate bugs from my home and life forever.
Over time, I discovered a powerful system that zapped bugs right out of life. The recipe is based on the best products applied with exceptional attention to detail and accompanied by memorably great service. My vision for life without bugs became a reality and I loved the results–almost as much as my wife loved a bug free home!
Soon family members wanted their bugs gone, and almost overnight we were using the proven Bug Zapper System for old friends and new friends all over Oregon. So many people were living with bugs, putting their families at risk, and all for no reason. Bug Zapper Pest Control had the solution to bug problems.
Now, thousands of customers have been amazed at the effectiveness of our systemโeven if they have had other pest control service in the past. That’s because we’re not just talking about pest control. This is Bug Zapperโs Pest Elimination Service! Our customers are delighted to be able to live life bug free, and they are quickly spreading the word about the new Bug Zapping System available only from Bug Zapper Pest Control. Join the movement and discover life without bugs!
Get answers to your pest question now! Call or Text Us.